Training for the test

What support will you get from the Sussex Group?

When you have signed up with the group to take the Advanced Driving Test, you will be assigned to one of our trained tutors to guide you as you work to match the standards of driving required.

We use “Roadcraft, the Police Drivers’ Handbook” for the theory, and your tutor will sit with you for a number of training drives to help you to absorb the principles of good driving practice. These practical sessions usually last for about an hour to 90 minutes. At the start there will be an informal assessment, followed by further sessions arranged by mutual agreement to illuminate the areas of your skills that need to change.

Your tutor may offer you a session in which they drive to demonstrate either the overall principles underpinning an advanced driving style, or to highlight some particular points.
As you progress, you will be given some written reminders of the points that have been discussed until, finally, you will have the opportunity to be accompanied by a Senior tutor to assess your standards before applying for the test itself.

In addition to the support group members receive to pass the Advanced Test, group members may call on our tutors to help them refresh their skills. Every three years, group members have the opportunity to re-take the test and improve or maintain your driving standards.