Hall of fame

Charlie Doyne

On 5th October 2024 Charlie passed his advanced driving test with a Silver grade.  He is to be congratulated because Charlie had done very little driving since passing his basic test not many years ago.  And he achieved this in only 4 months. His examiner was Richard Hornsey, his tutor was Margret Preece.

Keith Evans

Keith passed his advanced driving test on 23 July 2024, only 3 months after commencing his training.  He achieved a Silver grade.  His examiner was Richard Mansfield, his tutor was Margret Preece.

Emma Wilson

Emma passed her advanced driving test on 14th July 2024 and achieved a Silver grade (with the potential to achieve a Gold in a future test – so her examiner says).  Her examiner was Paul Marshall, and she was prepared for the test by Duncan Hauser and Margret Preece.

Zoe Deeley

Zoe passed her test with a Gold standard on Wednesday 29 May 2024, her examiner was Richard Mansfield.

Pat Robinson

Congratulations to Pat who on 17th March 2024 passed her advanced driving test with a Silver grade.  Her examiner was Richard Mansfield, her tutor was Margret Preece.

David Peck

David is a long time member who took his re-test on Saturday 27 April 2024 and achieved Gold

Paul Purdy

On Saturday 18 November 2023 Paul Purdy passed his Advanced Tutor test and achieved a Gold standard in his AD re-test. His examiner was Dave Taylor. Congratulations to Paul, he is only the second Advanced Tutor in the Group.

Graham Lawrence

Well done to Graham Lawrence who past his first 3-yearly re-test on 1 October 2023 with a very good Silver grade. His examiner was Paul Mansfield.

Nigel Lofting

Congratulations to Nigel Lofting, one of our tutors, who on 30 September 2023 took his 3-yearly retest and again passed with a Gold grade. His examiner was Paul Marshall.

Colin Hitchcock

Colin had passed his initial advanced driving test with a Silver grade; not satisfied with this result he opted for a second test, this time in a more powerful modern car with an automatic gearbox. The gamble paid off and on 6 September 2023 Colin achieved the Gold grade he had hoped for and that he deserved. Once more his examiner was Richard Mansfield, Margret Preece his tutor.

Gary Holder

On 23rd June 2023 Gary passed his Advanced test with a Bronze; his tutor was Duncan Hauser and the examiner was Richard Mansfield. Gary showed that advanced driving does not require you to have a ‘posh’ car, he took his test in a 2004 Kia Picanto (64 bhp). The 19 year old car had been well maintained and was well presented.

Edward Redman

Ed took his advanced test and passed with a Silver Standard on 24th January 2023 which was just under four months from starting. Ed’s tutor was Nigel Lofting and the examiner was Richard Hornsey.

Anthony Platts

Anthony’s re-test took place on  20th January 2023. He met the Examiner, Neil Stepney, at the services on the A272  near Uckfield. The route covered a variety of roads. The result was a Gold. Anthony has maintained his gold standard for many years, he did his first test in 1984. The test was carried out in a friendly manner with his next one due in 2027.

Zoe Dancey

Zoe passed with a Gold Standard on 25th November 2022, her examiner was Richard Hornsey and her tutor was Margret Preece.

Kathy Blythe

On the 18th November 2022, Kathy, one of our former tutors, passed her advanced test with a Gold Standard. Her examiner was Dave Taylor.

John Norris

John passed with a Gold Standard on 22 April 2022 having been tutored by Gwyn Davies. The examiner was Mark Brown, Redhill area. John drives a Volvo XC60

Margret Preece

Margret, already an established member, achieved Gold Standard on her 3-yearly retake of the advanced test on 12th April 2022. Her examiner was Colin O’Neil. She also obtained a renewal of her Advanced Tutor Certificate.